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3. Vim’s ftplugin system

Last modified: 11 October 2022

This is part three in a seven-part series explaining how to use the Vim or Neovim text editors to efficiently write LaTeX documents. This article covers Vim’s ftplugin system, which allows you to create customizations that apply only to LaTeX files (or any other file type). Understanding this article will give you a clearer mental model of how the VimTeX plugin works.

Contents of this article

The basics of file-specific Vim plugins

What is a plugin?

Officially, as defined in :help plugin, a plugin is the name for a Vimscript file that is loaded when you start Vim. If you have ever created a vimrc or init.vim file, which are just simple Vimscript files, you have technically written a Vim plugin. Just like your vimrc, a plugin’s purpose is to extend Vim’s default functionality to meet your personal needs.

A package, as defined in :help packages, is a set of Vimscript files. To be pedantic, what most people (myself included) refer to in everyday usage as a Vim plugin is technically a package. That’s irrelevant; the point is that plugins and packages are just Vimscript files used to extend Vim’s default functionality, and, if you have ever written a vimrc or init.vim, it is within your means to write more advanced plugins, too.

Runtimepath: where Vim looks for files to load

Vim’s runtimepath is a list of directories, both in your home directory and system-wide, that Vim searches for files to load at runtime, i.e. when opening Vim. Below is a list of some directories on Vim’s default runtimepath, taken from :help runtimepath—you will probably recognize some of them from your own Vim setup.

Directory or File Description
filetype.vim Used to set a file’s Vim filetype
autoload/ Scripts loaded dynamically using Vim’s autoload feature
colors/ Vim colorscheme files conventionally go here
compiler/ Contains files related to compilation and make functionality
doc/ Contains documentation and help files
ftplugin/ Filetype-specific configurations go here
indent/ Contains scripts related to indentation
pack/ Vim’s default location for third-party plugins
spell/ Files related to spell-checking
syntax/ Contains scripts related to syntax highlighting

You can view your current runtimepath with :echo &runtimepath. If you want a plugin to load automatically when you open Vim, you must place the plugin in an appropriate location in your runtimepath.

For the purposes of this series, the most important directory in your runtimepath is the ftplugin/ directory in your Vim config folder, i.e. the directory ~/.vim/ftplugin/ on Vim and ~/.config/nvim/ftplugin/ on Neovim. Here’s why it is so important: ftplugin/ is the correct directory to place LaTeX-specific configuration (or in general any configuration that you wish to apply only to a single file type), and this entire series is all about LaTeX-specific configuration.

Vim’s filetype plugin system

Say you’ve written some customizations that you want to apply only to LaTeX files, and not to any other file types. To keep your LaTeX customizations specific to only LaTeX files, you should use Vim’s filetype plugin system.

Filetype plugin basic recipe

Say you want to write a plugin that applies only to LaTeX files. Here’s what to do:

  1. Add the following lines to your vimrc (these settings are enabled by default on Neovim—see :help nvim-defaults—but it can’t hurt to place them in your init.vim, too):

    filetype on             " enable filetype detection
    filetype plugin on      " load file-specific plugins
    filetype indent on      " load file-specific indentation

    These lines enable filetype detection and filetype-specific plugins and indentation. To get an overview of your current filetype status, use the :filetype command; you want an output that reads:

    " With Vim's filetype-specific functionality enabled, the output looks like this
    filetype detection:ON  plugin:ON  indent:ON

    See :help filetype for more information on filetype plugins.

  2. Create the file structure ~/.vim/ftplugin/tex.vim. Your LaTeX-specific mappings and functions will go in ~/.vim/ftplugin/tex.vim. That’s it! Assuming you followed step 1, anything in tex.vim will be loaded only when editing files with the tex filetype (i.e. LaTeX and related files), and will not interfere with your other filetype plugins.

    Optional tip: You can also split up your tex customizations among multiple files (instead of having a single, cluttered tex.vim file). To do this, create the file structure ~/.vim/ftplugin/tex/*.vim. Any Vimscript files inside ~/.vim/ftplugin/tex/ will then load automatically when editing files with the tex filetype. As a concrete example, you might design your ftplugin directory like this:

    # Two ways to have LaTeX-specific configuration;
    # note the dedicated `tex` folder in the second example
    ftplugin/                  ftplugin/
    ├── tex.vim                ├── markdown.vim
    ├── markdown.vim           ├── python.vim
    └── python.vim             └── tex
                                   ├── vimtex.vim
                                   └── main.vim

    The first example uses a single tex.vim file inside ftplugin. In the second example, the tex-specific configuration is divided into two files—vimtex.vim might store configuration related to the VimTeX plugin and main.tex would store general settings for the tex filetype.

The following sections explain how loading filetype plugins works under the hood.

Automatic filetype detection

Manual filetype detection

If Vim’s default filetype detection using filetype.vim fails (this only happens for exotic filetypes), you can also manually configure Vim to detect the target filetype. Note that manual detection of exotic filetypes is not needed for this tutorial (Vim detects LaTeX files without any configuration on your part), so feel free to skip ahead.

But if you’re curious, here’s an example using LilyPond files, which by convention have the extension .ly. (LilyPond is a free and open-source text-based system for elegantly typesetting musical notation; as an analogy, LilyPond is for music what LaTeX is for math.)

Here’s what to do for manual filetype detection:

  1. Identify the extension(s) you expect for the target filetype, e.g. .ly for LilyPond.

  2. Make up some reasonable value that Vim’s filetype variable should take for the target filetype. This can match the extension, but doesn’t have to. For LilyPond files I use filetype=lilypond.

  3. Create the file ~/.vim/ftdetect/lilypond.vim (the file name, in this case lilypond.vim, can technically be anything ending in .vim, but by convention should match the value of filetype). Inside the file add the single line

    autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.ly set filetype=lilypond

    Of course replace .ly with your target extension and lilypond with the value of filetype you chose in step 2.

How Vim loads filetype plugins

The relevant documentation lives at :help filetype and :help ftplugin, but is rather long. For our purposes:

As a best practice, keep filetype-specific settings in either in a dedicated {filetype}.vim file at ftplugin/{filetype}.vim, or split up among multiple files in ftplugin/{filetype}/*.vim. Think of the ftplugin files as a vimrc for one file type only, and keep your actual vimrc for global settings you want to apply to all file types.

The original writing, images, and animations in this series are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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